Mothering the Planet
(a letter to all Lightworkers & Ministers)
The respect we have for our Elders. The cherish we hold for our children. Knowing that any act of kindness makes the most difference inside of us as who we are, while it can be a small slice of healing for those we extend it to. How valuable it grows in the world surrounding us! Learning the magnificence in forgiving and how it cleanses our hearts so we can fuller understand that it matters most in self Love. The ancient, healing lessons of humanity.
We have collective cyclic memory of moments when the people of a system, culture or faith have taken a Stand against an injustice thrust on them by crave of resources, the desire for dominance, tyranny in so many forms using historical tools that basically resolved as war; the murder we commit with impunity persuaded as righteous or even condoned by a "god", a madness we call patriarchy. Six thousand years of sky gods leading us forward into this moment. Technically prosperous and technically able to destroy whole cultures or the entire planet. Amen.
In these historic moments the pattern has been revolt. Justice in a whole community outweighed any desire by those who oversaw a system using repression to dispense it's prosperity. Revolution remains the only sanity among those with the courage to Stand against it. Free societies are founded on it. The impossible idea that everyone in a community has a say in how it will be governed. Systems get old, tired, overused and then abused. This is the gentle way to express our 'moment'.
As Lightworkers we have had a 'knowing' that this moment holds a distinction never before held. Our moment requires a planetary paradigm shift to banish the extinction of humanity. As with each moment or reckoning before, there have been cadres who had foreknowledge of events, were disposed to minister or guide within the moment in ways never before demonstrated. We are in the crucible of Lightness and Darkness with an ultimate caveat, extinction. This truth confronts us as climate change, resource declination and a level of greed un-experienced. As we witness atrocity explained as patriotism, greed defined as trickle down plenty for all, fear of 'the other' as security for the nation, the ancient darkness, like a blanket, is pulled over our communities, yet allowing the Light to burst brighter whenever it shines. I love that many of my own companions see this as an exciting time to be alive. I don't think there are many souls that are not here to experience this. Over seven point six billion of us, another indication of our 'moment'. Almost everyone RSVP-ed to this party!
There is never an imbalance of energy, the simply physics providing the truth in faith. The Light is brightest at the end of the darkest tunnel. Even as we see this incredible daily motion of injustice in America and globally with instant manipulative projection. so too are there extraordinary event happening daily that give us strength and empowerment to honor our vocations with skills and tools of Light long forgotten or innovated brilliantly to generate the evolution of Mother Earth. We pushed it forward to this moment, plainly because we needed all the technical priority we have now. Planetary consciousness has been achieved through the Internet, the largest step in manifesting a majority Consciousness Shift in humanity.
At this moment, whatever creates the Light opens the way. Our ceremonies, cleansings, global meditations, dedicated workshops, permaculture projects, our primacy in right intentions and right actions sustain the beginning of a new age. People wake up every hour to the absolute need in changing our awareness of what is true and what is a status quo in planetary repression. We are witnessing the exposure of patriarchy in violent shock. For some Lightworkers it's proving to be overwhelmingly negative. Fear brings judgment within communities and we are challenged to meet this moment in Mothering our communities, our planet and ourselves. Holding on to respect for one another and Oneness.
Our constant resource is in grounding The Mother. She nurtures, She heals, She disciplines with tender mercies. As the God form descends the Goddess ascends to heal us. She despises exploitation, greed and repression. We came here to minister and guide in a new age. Each of us has a unique gift to address the moment we are in. Banishing fear, we meet each moment as it unfolds as Lightworkers who walk with the Goddess and bless the God for strength and forgiveness.
Keep lavender for calming.
Sweetgrass by your side to call good Spirits.

White Sage to cleanse and make sacred.

Myrrh to reach out among our Ancestors in the stars.

Frankincense to hold the gentle strength of the God.

Rose to welcome the Goddess Home.

As Lightworkers we have had a 'knowing' that this moment holds a distinction never before held. Our moment requires a planetary paradigm shift to banish the extinction of humanity. As with each moment or reckoning before, there have been cadres who had foreknowledge of events, were disposed to minister or guide within the moment in ways never before demonstrated. We are in the crucible of Lightness and Darkness with an ultimate caveat, extinction. This truth confronts us as climate change, resource declination and a level of greed un-experienced. As we witness atrocity explained as patriotism, greed defined as trickle down plenty for all, fear of 'the other' as security for the nation, the ancient darkness, like a blanket, is pulled over our communities, yet allowing the Light to burst brighter whenever it shines. I love that many of my own companions see this as an exciting time to be alive. I don't think there are many souls that are not here to experience this. Over seven point six billion of us, another indication of our 'moment'. Almost everyone RSVP-ed to this party!
There is never an imbalance of energy, the simply physics providing the truth in faith. The Light is brightest at the end of the darkest tunnel. Even as we see this incredible daily motion of injustice in America and globally with instant manipulative projection. so too are there extraordinary event happening daily that give us strength and empowerment to honor our vocations with skills and tools of Light long forgotten or innovated brilliantly to generate the evolution of Mother Earth. We pushed it forward to this moment, plainly because we needed all the technical priority we have now. Planetary consciousness has been achieved through the Internet, the largest step in manifesting a majority Consciousness Shift in humanity.
At this moment, whatever creates the Light opens the way. Our ceremonies, cleansings, global meditations, dedicated workshops, permaculture projects, our primacy in right intentions and right actions sustain the beginning of a new age. People wake up every hour to the absolute need in changing our awareness of what is true and what is a status quo in planetary repression. We are witnessing the exposure of patriarchy in violent shock. For some Lightworkers it's proving to be overwhelmingly negative. Fear brings judgment within communities and we are challenged to meet this moment in Mothering our communities, our planet and ourselves. Holding on to respect for one another and Oneness.
Our constant resource is in grounding The Mother. She nurtures, She heals, She disciplines with tender mercies. As the God form descends the Goddess ascends to heal us. She despises exploitation, greed and repression. We came here to minister and guide in a new age. Each of us has a unique gift to address the moment we are in. Banishing fear, we meet each moment as it unfolds as Lightworkers who walk with the Goddess and bless the God for strength and forgiveness.
Keep lavender for calming.
Sweetgrass by your side to call good Spirits.

White Sage to cleanse and make sacred.

Frankincense to hold the gentle strength of the God.

Rose to welcome the Goddess Home.